Sunday, May 26, 2013

New way to share information . . .

The Memorial Day Infographic below comes from Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day.  He shares education information on many topics including infographics.  I have been thinking that an infographic may be an adaptive way to share our need for additional capacity to house our current and projected enrollment.  Check out all the information that is contained in this compact example.

What do you think?  Would community members be more likely to read through an infographic than our more traditional trifold document?  By law, we are only allowed to share factual information and in only one document so it is an important decision that we will make as we move closer to a date for a bond measure.  What do you believe is the most important information to include in the district's one opportunity to inform the public about our need and proposed solution to student housing needs?


crystal said...

Definitely. I think most people prefer graphical representations of information. The back of a graphic like this could always contain the nitty gritty information, but the graphic itself would attract attention and understanding and encourage reading follow up information.

Unknown said...

Agreed... No one wants to see or read a long hamlet and they are thrown out. A document like this really STANDS out how startling the facts are. Stick to the facts, only the facts and stats that truly show how awful it really is and how it could get worse. This needs to be displayed as well, if it allowable by law.