Monday, July 23, 2012

More affirmation plus new learning . . .

Though we are already a decade plus into the 21st century, more and more studies are emerging about what young people need to know and be able to do for success in post high school learning and work.  I blogged about two of them from Camp Snowball on this post.  Today, I read about a new one on Education Week, Education for Life and Work from the National Academies of Sciences.

The committee found the skills considered necessary for the 21st-century workplace generally fall into three categories: cognitive, such as critical thinking and analytic reasoning to learn "deeply"; interpersonal, such as teamwork and complex communication; and intrapersonal, such as resiliency and conscientiousness.

I found this visual on the link to a report brief.  Once again there are similarities to our Outcomes and Indicators and focus on Habits of Mind and Thinking Skills, but there is also more detail for us to consider.

One of those areas to consider is contained in these comments from Linda Darling-Hammond.

The skill that may be the trickiest to teach and test may be the one that underlies and connects skills in all three areas: a student's ability to transfer and apply existing knowledge to a problem in a new context. "Transfer is the sort of Holy Grail in this whole thing," Mr. Pellegrino said. "We'd like to believe we can create Renaissance men who are experts in a wide array of disciplines and can blithely transfer skills from one to the other, but it just doesn't happen that way."

As we become more knowledgeable and conversant with the Common Core, we are seeing that transfer may become even more important.  I also see the potential for the system tools to support capacity for young people to transfer and apply existing knowledge to new situations.  This report is one that we can learn from as we continue our instructional journey and prepare teachers and young people for the challenges and opportunities found in the Common Core.

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