Friday, July 8, 2011

Camp Snowball . . .

Later this month I will be attending Camp Snowball focused on system thinking and sustainability. It is similar to those I have attended the last three summers, but with more people attending than Society of Organizational Learning members. Tahoma will have a nine member team including four students, two middle school and two from our high school.

Peter Senge and Michael Fullan will be hosting a leadership forum that I wil be attending. It is focused on what leaders can do to support the conference goal to create a snowball effect around public schools embracing the need for embedding systems thinking and sustainability into our curriculum. Because we have already embraced this work we will be presenting our story at this national conference. To assure that we could participate, the conference organizers waived conference fees for our entire team. Once again an opportunity to showcase our work, this time at the national level.

As I have done during the previous conferences, I will be blogging about our experiences.

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