Monday, May 30, 2011

Time for reauthorization . . .

I learned about a joint resolution sponsored by the National School Boards Association and the American Association of School Administrators in an e-mail  from the Superintendent Roundtable.  The intent of the resolution is to influence the Department of Education to suspend sanctions under current AYP requirements until Congress is able to complete full authorization of ESEA legislation.  It is unlikely that they will be able to reach agreement this session, so these associations are basically saying enough is enough, NCLB needs to be replaced.

We urge the Department of Education to exercise their regulatory authority to relieve school districts from the constraints of current statutes, keeping schools from being held hostage while Congress moves forward with complete reauthorization.

We request that this relief be straight regulatory relief, not waivers. Schools deserve straight regulatory relief, and not the additional requirements or conditions that often come with waivers.

We specifically support suspension of additional sanctions under current AYP requirements, effective for the 2011-12 school year. (Schools currently facing sanctions would remain frozen; no new schools would be labeled as ‘In Need of Improvement’ or subject to new or additional sanctions.)

I signed the petition, something that I don't take lightly or do often.  I believe that NCLB needs to be replaced and that a continuation of sanctions on schools and on districts will not be productive.  I also know that NCLB has had a positive influence on our profession by focusing on success for all students.  It is time to take what we have learned from this initiative and replace it with legislation that is supportive of change while creating realistic accountability goals.  If you want to sign the resolution you can do it here.


jdunham said...

Thank you for letting us know about this! I also have signed. I agree with you that the premise of leaving no child behind is where we should be focused in education. I also feel that the way the legislation was written does not actually achieve this goal. You said it very well when you said it is time to take what we have learned from this and adjust it to become more effective.

Anonymous said...

This is a hectic time of year with planning for next year, end of course assessments, assessing each goal as written in IEP's, progress notes, etc. We don't teach for the money; however, it's depressing thinking about working these long hours with less pay!