Sunday, November 24, 2013

Almost forgotten . . .

With everything happening in our system as well as following the rising push back to the common core  I had forgotten about the lawsuit brought against charter schools by a coalition that includes the state teacher's association, Washington school administrators, and the League of Women Voters.  The status of the suit argued before a judge last week is summarized in the this Tacoma News Tribune article.

I found it interesting that attorneys for both sides as well as one for the charter initiative sponsors are using the McCleary decision to support their arguments.  Though the state attorneys feel the case has no merit and have asked for summary judgment, the judge has suggested that the complexity of the issue and arguments will require some time before she reaches a decision.

The judge heard the case the same day that applications to start a charter were due.  In this News Tribune article we learn that 19 applications were received from individuals and from organizations that are running charters in other states.

Though I struggle with seeing how charters under this initiative will close any gaps, I also struggle with the lawsuit.  Any problems the judge might find will more than likely then become a focus for the upcoming legislative session that will simply delay implementation and/or another initiative making a successful lawsuit even more difficult.  Time to move forward with the McCleary decision and focus on what we in public schools can do to close gaps and meet the needs of all our young people.

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