Sunday, November 16, 2008

Generation WE . . .

I saw this video on the Blue Skunk Blog and thought I'd share it. He got it from our friend Ian Jukes who helped us set the stage for Classroom 10. A powerful message from young people about their views on the world of today and of tomorrow. What also struck me was the differential in age. For some reason my mental model was one of high school to college age young people. Seeing it visually had more of an impression on me than the many times I have read about the millennials. Check out their web page that is referred to in the video, Project FREE was of particular interest to me as it is aligned with our new focus on sustainability.

Check out this new version of Bloom's Taxonomy that I found on Darren Kuropatwa's blog. I like the change in order and the addition of creating. What are your thoughts? Do our units provide opportunities for this learning?

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