Thursday, June 27, 2013

Proud to be a BEAR . . .

Cassandra Houghton
Tonight was another of one those evenings for me to be proud of being a member of the Tahoma School District.  I attended the E3 Washington Awards ceremony as a board member of the organization to congratulate those individuals and organizations at the state level being recognized for contributions to environmental education.  One of those awards went to Cassandra Houghton a 2013 graduate of Tahoma High School.  Cassandra was also given an opportunity to address the group and got a standing ovation for sharing her Tahoma journey and aspirations for engaging youth in sustainability.  It was a major highlight of the evening.

Representatives of OSPI were also in attendance to honor those schools and districts recognized as state and federal Green Schools that I blogged about here.  That meant that Tahoma was well represented in the awards category and in attendance as we had staff and two board members, Mary Jane Glaser and Tami Henkel there to support our teams.  It was another time when "Papa Bear" could sit back and be proud of the work being done in our system represented by those in the pictures below.
Tahoma School District
Glacier Park
Tahoma High School

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