Sunday, August 22, 2010

A new year . . .

The one event that drives home the start of the new school year for me is the first day with teachers new to the diustrict.  For this year that day is tomorrow.  With the state of the economy and the number of teachers seeking work, the quality of the candidate pools has been exceptionally large and of high quality.  I have the opportunity in the morning to welcome these new staff members to our learning community and to begin the process of orientation and induction into our learning journey. 

I will be sharing our new five year goals focused on:
  1. Housing - meeting our need to create additional capacity throughout our system and improving the learning environment in existing schools.
  2. Equity - ensuring a safe learning environment for ALL our young people.
  3. Accountability - identifying and holding ourselves accountability for supporting growth and increasing student achievement over time.
  4. Relationship - reaching out to the community in meaningful ways to support and engage in our learning community.
  5. Ten - implmenting our Classroom 10 journey.

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