Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Enhancing Our Video Library

Here is another short video using K-12 students to create some dissonance around how we are preparing them for their future. It is patterned after Wesch's Vision of Students Today showing a college classroom with students holding up cards for the viewers to contemplate. I found it on Warlick's blog and I think it makes a nice addition to our library of videos presenting a rationale for 21st Century learning and learners.

In what ways can you see yourself using this video to support your Classroom 10 journey with staff?

1 comment:

Ethan Smith said...

I don't have a staff to share the video with. But I got to thinking about what the relationship between a principal and their teachers would have to be like in order for sharing this video in a formal way to be a positive experience for teachers. I know that I'm oversimplifying, but there are two really obvious ways a staff might respond. They are likely to either see the video as a challenge that collectively they need to rise up to meet or they will see it as representing unreasonable demand. Two staffs are presented with the same video. What is it that makes one respond as if the glass is half full and the other as if it were half empty? Is there a play book for principals on how to move a "the glass is half empty" staff toward thinking differently?