Thursday, May 17, 2012

Teachers dance bomb . . .

Is dance bomb part of your vocabulary?  Until today I had not heard of it though I have seen it without knowing what it was called.  Thanks to Alexander Russo's blog post showing teachers from a Massachusetts high school pranking students I learned what it means to dance bomb.  You can read more about it at The Feed on CBS News where it was awarded an A for pranking. 

Still don't know what it is?  Watch the video, it is funny.  I can't imagine doing this, probably because my moves would look like those of the bald guy with the tie.  Maybe if I could move like the guy with the dark sweater and beard I would reconsider.  Then again, maybe not.  But, I could see Terry and high school staff doing it since they already have an online presence as performers.  How about it Terry?

1 comment:

Kevin said...

The guy in the blue sweater is pretty good. He looks a little like Rick Haag, who, I am certain, could bust some moves.