Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Now you know 2 . . .

As I shared in my last post I will continue with information from the Ad Hoc Citizen Committee Report on future student housing options. Now that we know we experienced the second largest percentage increase in enrollment in King County since 1985, what does future enrollment look like?

The chart below shows the demographers projections through the year 2011. We can see that growth has slowed with the sagging economy, but we are still looking at an increase of almost 1100 students over that period of time. These numbers include development of the Summit Pit site (Donut Hole) starting in 2016 using the housing projections in a project no longer on the table. So, why include them? Because in conversations with city and county staff we were told that the property will be developed over time. Even if we didn’t consider this site in our projections, we will still see an increase in enrollment with few options for housing them given the current delivery model and grade level configurations.

The enrollment growth that we have experienced has resulted in large schools. Based on 2010 enrollment, we have the two largest elementary schools in the state, Lake Wilderness and Rock Creek. From the charts below we can see that compared to other King County districts, all of our schools are very large. Please note that in the high school comparison most schools house four grades while THS houses three.

In a future post I will share how many students we are placing in each building and compare that to the built capacity of the site.

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