Today we spent the majority of time learning about system thinking and dynamics concepts. Tracy Benson from the Waters Foundation shared with us some hands on learning opportunities to begin understanding the habits of system thinkers, stocks and flows, behavior over time graphs, and feedback loops.
I have had previous opportunities to be introduced to these concepts, but Tracy’s choice of activities and delivery made them come alive as never before for me. I have included some pictures showing one of the activities designed to demonstrate the importance of having a common goal and how the ability to communicate effectively is essential in realizing that goal.
The afternoon for me was spent with Peter Senge in a small group exploring in more depth a problem solving model. The conversation was resulted in looking at the iceberg concept, something we have used to assist us in thinking more deeply at the patterns, structures, and mental models that influence our behavior and decisions. I relearned the importance of monitoring my level of advocacy and of the importance of truly wanting to engage to support the learning of others as opposed to pushing my agenda.
We debriefed as a team on issues that will require our focus. One that keeps coming back to us is the need to identify strategies to make joining and sustaining membership on the high school Green Team a priority for more students.
Please excuse the quality of the photos - combination of cell phone and operator.
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