I found this information and video on Ian Juke’s Committed Sardine. Once again, it is the kind of information that causes me some anxiety because I am not connected to others except through e-mail and loosely through this blog. I have a twitter and Facebook account, but don’t use them. As I have shared before I can’t remember when and how I created the accounts and truth be told don’t know HOW to use them. I have many requests to be “friended”, including my own family that just get lost. I hope I am not creating enemies by people thinking that I don’t care or don't want to friend them.
The premise of the video featuring Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook CEO, is that e-mail is probably going away. This is worrisome as it is my primary communication source. Data to support the premise includes; only 11% of teens use e-mail daily and product research suggests that sites such as Facebook are much more effective at increasing sales than e-mail. Yikes, I’m in trouble. Hopefully, there are enough of us “older” technology users to keep me from losing touch.
Even though Sandberg certainly is promoting Facebook in the video, the five minutes viewing it were worth it to me. The scope of those using it is unbelievable to me. If she were here I would be able to answer her first question with a no becasue I haven’t looked up my first girl friend, something she suggests that all users do. I would have to know what I am doing to look her up.
Am I hopeless? Is it imperative that I get connected? Saying I don’t have the time to monitor one more thing is how I have rationalized so far, should I be changing?
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