I found this post on EDUCATIONnext very interesting and it makes me wonder about my guess on the number of states that will receive RttT funding. The post speaks to a Wall Street Journal editorial about the grant opportunity and some suggestions for Secretary Duncan.
“Race to the Top represents less that 1% of what the U.S. spends annually on K-12 schooling, so the heaviest reform work still has to get done at the state and local level. We sympathize with those, such as Texas Republican Governor Rick Perry, who say his state can do better without federal meddling. But as long as Race to the Top exists, Mr. Duncan ought to use it to reward only the very best reform states that want the money, perhaps only two or three in the first round.”
I encourage you to read the editorial. It is a short read that raises good points and questions just what can be accomplished through this process given the economic situation in most states. This piece in the New York Times raises additional funding issues from Illinois, but it is important for all states to consider. In a state where one third of funding comes from the state questions are raised about the ability to continue any reforms that may be possible when the RttT funding dries up. How much more difficult or easier will it be in a state where approximately 80% of funding comes from the state?
In case you haven’t been following comments to the blog, here are two with questions and sharing that you may want to read. Loomdog is always a good read.
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