Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A positive turn . . .

Just touching base with another budget update. On Tuesday, the Board spent time discussing the feedback from last week's public meetings to determine if they wanted to make changes to any of the proposed adjustments. The one change that was made was to continue Camp Casey as a cost neutral program to the general fund. All other proposals were moved forward without any additional changes.

They also made the decision to use the projected increase in fund balance to bring back budget adjustments that have been proposed. The fund balance amount identified at the meeting is approximately $890,000. They further directed me to come back on Thursday with a recommendation on how to use this amount over the two years of the biennium to reverse the adjustment process.

We have been busy preparing for Thursday's meeting and the important discussions that will take place. Our budget committee meets in the morning to review the priorities that have been identified by the principals during discussions yesterday and today. We will look at the opportunity in front of us to make a recommendation that we believe best positions us in the short and long term to continue our journey.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you changed this post and took out some key information....