Saturday, March 28, 2009

At last, hope for a target . . .

The Senate will be releasing their budget on Monday followed on Tuesday by the House budget. If the two budgets are similar, we could see a final version before the scheduled last day of the session in late April. If not, it will make it more difficult for us to identify the target and the session could drag into May.

With this information, we can make an estimate of what will emerge from the conference committee that will likely be necessary to reconcile differences in the two versions. The only other variable that could have a significant influence on this target is the stimulus package and how the Governor chooses to use it. If she backfills some of the cuts that were in her original budget and next week’s versions the target could be less. We can only hope that this happens in a manner that supports our system and that this information also becomes available early next week.

Not knowing continues to cause stress and anxiety for all of us. Having these two budgets doesn’t replace this anxiety, but it will at last begin the process of closure for us.

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